Thursday, 12 — Saturday, 14 September 2024

Receptionists' Day

Saturday 14 September

Conflict Resolution and De-Escalation

Join our dynamic workshop tailored for medical practice managers and reception staff. Navigate the challenging landscape of conflict resolution and de-escalation in a healthcare setting, where emotions can run high, often for reasons beyond your control, or for no reason at all.

Learn practical strategies to defuse tension, communicate effectively with unwell and stressed patients, and create a calmer environment. Arm yourself with valuable skills to handle anger and frustration gracefully, ensuring a positive experience for both patients and staff. Elevate your team's ability to turn challenging moments into opportunities for understanding and collaboration.

Don't miss this essential session designed to enhance patient satisfaction and workplace harmony. Be the calming force your medical centre needs!

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Terry Williams

(Receptionists' Day only)

Terry Williams has a rare combination of 30+ years’ serious experience as a leadership trainer and authoring of six books with 20 years’ of his far less serious experience as a professional stand-up comedian. In between zipping around the Asia-Pacific region delivering keynote presentations about change, leadership and motivation, he facilitates workshops on those same topics, helping leaders and teams help themselves. And, in between that, he performed comedy on cruise ships.